Watchcase Co. / Lobby and Apartment Previews

June 01, 2014

“A towering Riverside landmark used in the early to mid-1900s to produce gold-and-silver-plated watchcases may be converted into luxury apartments under the latest plan for the building. Rafi Weiss, president of the Brooklyn-based Simshabs Partners, is undaunted. “We’ll be able to handle it,” he said. Simshabs Partners is proposing 64 apartments of 1,300 to 1,800 square feet each, with a “lot of light,” he said. Rental prices for the two- and three-bedroom apartments have not been determined, but will be competitive with other new units in the Philadelphia area, he said.

“It’s time the watchcase tower was brought back to its former glory,” Weiss said, estimating the renovations could be finished in a year or two.” -“Riverside Talks about Developing Historic Watchcase Tower.” N.p., 25 May 2014. Web. 10 Aug. 2014.

Rafi Weiss Contracted us to convey what his intentions of the building’s lobby and some of the apartments will look like.

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